What Are the Different Types of Share Buybacks?

UPDATE: March 2022

What Are the Different Types of Share Buybacks? - A share buyback takes place when a company decides to buy back its outstanding shares from shareholders with borrowed funds or excess cash. This helps in reducing the number of shares available, which raises the value of the remaining shares.

What Are the Different Types of Share Buybacks?

Companies also use share buybacks as a way to pay back investors. Most share buyback plans are proposed by the senior executives, and the company's board authorizes a buyback.

However, announcing a share buyback doesn't mean that it will take place because sometimes the tender offer may not be accepted, and the share price the company set may not be met. In some instances, a company may initiate a share buyback program to prevent a third party from buying a controlling share of the company's stock.

Types of Share Buybacks

Two main types of share buybacks may be initiated by the company. To ensure that you get the complete picture, we will share details about them here.

1. Open Market Buybacks

In such instances, a company may buy back shares from the open market at a selected time or when the company management decides it is the best use of their capital.

2. Tender Offer

In this case, the company will offer to repurchase its shares, mostly at a higher price than what the shares are worth on the open market. The Securities and Exchange Commission will regulate all tender offers. A third party that wants to buy a controlling share of the company may also submit a tender offer, and in such cases, it is not a buyback but is known as a third-party tender offer.

Share Buyback Alternatives

Share buybacks offer a company a way to use its capital and increase value for shareholders. They can try and use other share buyback alternatives to types of share buybacks as well. These will include the following:

  • Cash on hand is returned to investors as dividends
  • Capital is reinvested in research and development
  • Capital is used to acquire other companies or securities

It is important to understand the alternatives to share buybacks because, in recent times, stock buyback programs have been scrutinized and seen in a negative light.

Conclusion of What Are the Different Types of Share Buybacks?

In general, share buybacks are seen as a positive signal from the company, as it is mainly carried out to raise value for shareholders. A company may choose from several options when it comes to deciding what share buyback program to use. That is why it is important to know the different types of share buybacks and how they work. This will give you a better understanding of how share buybacks are used by companies and whether they are in your best interests as an investor.


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